Anyway, the trip was great fun and it just felt so good to get away and share some quality family time together. (That just sounded exactly like somethingmy Dad would say. I must be getting old.)

Devin making himself comfortable inside of a dinosaur footprint.

Neal and Rigs looking mighty fine. This is no secret so I'll just say it now. Neal would make a very ugly woman. There. I said it. I'm so glad he's a man...for obvious reasons and I'll just leave it at that.
Poor little Livy was absolutely terrified at one of the haunted houses. The poor thing freaked out when an enormous man dressed up as an alien tried to greet her. Look how huge her eyes are! It's no wonder she woke up that night from a terrible dream crying "Yucky-Buggy, Yucky-Buggy!" I pray she's not traumatized for life...but boy was it fun to watch! Why is it so fun to see your kids get scared? I know, I'm cruel.

Some of the highlights were:

*Dining at the Space Needle in a revolving restaurant. I didn't think you'd actually be able to see and feel that thing move!
(Note to self-- Don't ever promise kids you're going to go somewhere until you know how much the thing is going to cost! Holy cow that place was expeeeensive!)

Livy patiently waiting for her food. It's tough being a 2 year old!
Livy finally decides to take matters into her own hands and finds a way to entertain herself--much to the amusement of fellow diners.

Britton pointing things out to The Dev. xox
Big Brother helping Little Brother up to get a better view. So sweet!
Neal whispering sweet nothings into Livy's ear.
Got to have a picture with the whole fam!
I'm on--top of the world looking down on creation and the only da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Sorry, I thought that song was only appropriate but that's all I know of it. Ring a bell Sandy? 
Check out that view!

* Walking up and down Pikes Market. There are a hand full of places that I think are the highlights of our country and this is one of them. What a unique and cultural place to be! You've never seen more beautiful flowers, fresher fruits and vegetables or more unique souvenirs. Oh, and the interesting people that park themselves on every street corner singing , playing their instruments or performing other random acts are truly remarkable. What entertainment--and it's free! The vibe there is absolutely intoxicating and you just wish that everyone could have a chance to visit such a neat place. It's also fun to watch the workers toss one another the gigantic fish. Apparently they even like to play tricks on unsuspecting customers. The fish that Britton is squating next to is attached to fishing line and when someone gets to close the workers yank it causing the fish...and the person to jump.
Devin especially loved the pigeons. I never knew a bird could be so smart! The term "bird brain" definitely does not apply to the pigeon breed. I swear that bird was doing as many tricks as a well trained dog and I'm not exaggerating!
We decided to give Britton and Devin $30 each to buy a special souvenirs. Decisions, decisions!

Devin decided on a mesmerizing water/sand.....thing.
He absolutely loves it and takes it everywhere he goes (including school)

Neal trying to play a replica of the world's first flute.
Livy decides to get in on the action and is pleasantly surprised with her ability.
SOLD! Britton decides to buy the flute....and I've been
hearing the beautiful music it makes ever since. Sigh.
* Hanging with the Atwoods. What a classic family! I'm still fantasizing about the molten chocolate volcano dessert Melanie made. (I'm in desperate need of the recipe and don't plan on sharing any when I make it either. Sorry.) What good times we had--I swear my cheeks still hurt from all the laughs. There's only one "Rigs"--that's for sure! The Atwoods are definitely some of our favorite people.
Oh, and thank goodness that their hamster survived an attack with a pair of scissors. Dearest Livy-Lou! (It was the only thing skinny enough to fit through the cage and she wanted to pet it. Yes, I about had a heart attack.)
Enjoying "Happy Hour" at "Ruth Chris" steak house with the Atwood's.
* Visiting the Science Museum. If Neal and the kids had their choice then we'd still be there. I don't think there's another museum in the country that has more interesting exhibits. The museum consisted of multiple buildings and a huge interactive fountain park in the middle. Neal and I rode a bike that was suspended high above the ground and balanced on a thin metal track. I couldn't stop squealing at the top of my lungs. Why do I do that? Do you even know how many scenes I have made when it comes to anything that's remotely thrilling? I just can't resist the urge to holler and squeal at the top of my lungs the entire time! (I have my Mom to thank for that one.)
Having fun with different illusions. What's with the illusion on Neal's pants anyway???

Livy was terrified the dinosaur was going to eat her. I can't even count the times she pointed to the dinosaur and said "I gonna eat you, I gonna eat you. Go away, Naughty Rarrrr!" (She calls them "Rarrs" because she can't pronounce "dinosaur."

This was the butterfly room. Devin is freaking out that the blue butterfly was trying to land on him. Too funny!

Devin soon warmed up to the butterflies and couldn't seem to get enough of them. Livy, however wanted the "Yucky-Buggy" to "go away!"

*Sleep deprivation. Not exactly a highlight, just a fact.

Neal carrying sweet Lu-Lu to the car. Sweet Baby Girl was absolutely exhausted!
There's nothing more celestial than a sleeping child. How I love my Livy and my Neal! xoxo

* Eating! I love vacations because there's just an unspoken rule that you can eat anything you want completely guilt free.
Devin and Britton are waiting anxiously as they watch their doughnuts being made in front of them. Talk about major grease bombs! Ugh.

*Consequences of said eating. This is the not so great part about consuming greasy foods. (This is also the story of my life. WHY??? I don't think I'll ever be able to understand the male digestive tract.) Anyway, I think Neal got the message.
*Trick or Treating. Need I say more?
Check out all those pumpkins. I wish I could say I carved them all with mykids but that is simply far from being the case.

* Aquarium. It's no secret that I'm not the least bit into zoo's and aquariums. In fact, I pretty much have to muster every ounce of selflessness and unconditional love in order to endure 2+ hours of watching animals defecate, urinate, growl, and hump. The smells alone are practically nauseating but yet I try to do it once a year for the sake of the kids. Oh, and did I mention that I hate crowds? Yet another reason to avoid such places. That being said, I must admit that the Seattle aquarium is probably one of the very best in the country. The aquarium is actually situated on top of the ocean and has fresh ocean water pumped up to all the exhibits. They have a huge area where you can pet various star fish and other wild and crazy ocean life. Very cool...except for the two animal/plant things that looked and felt EXACTLY like private parts. I'm hoping it was just a coincidence that the male private part was situated right next to the female private part. I couldn't help but get a few laughs over it. haha! Sorry, no more crude.
(What a cool picture, huh!?)
I love my Neal! Britton took several shots of us and I have to admit that he is quite the budding photographer. This picture is one of my favorites because Neal has his little Sylvester Stalone lip going on. I loved that about him the day we met. xoxo
FINALLY, a few pictures with Neal.....smiling. An extraordinary feat has been accomplished here which is why I feel I must post these pictures for posterity sake! I never know when I'll get to have another picture taken with Neal smiling. Love you Neal!
* Jumping on the hotel beds. I don't know why but there's just something about going to a hotel that makes you want to jump on the bed. I managed to refrain but the kids couldn't get enough!
Naturally they want to jump wildly on the beds right at bedtime. Great. But I guess vacations are meant for breaking the rules a little, right?
Oh the simple joys of childhood!
Well, that was our vacation. Sorry I was overly thorough in discussing all of the details but I haven't blogged in so long that I fear I'm trying to make up for it. Anyway, I'm so grateful for the rare breaks in life when you can just step away from the daily mundane routines and make some wonderful family memories. We'd love to return there soon so if anyone wants to go to Seattle, we're game!
Best post ever! I was laughing the entire time! I especially loved your description of the zoo and the private parts. What an absolute blast of a vacation. No one deserved a nice vacation more than you did! Glad you were able to go. That space needle restaurant looked amazing....and the view! Livy is getting so big, all your pictures were so fun. Can't wait to read your next blog! xoxoxox
ReplyDeleteIt's about freakin' time you posted! I loved it! It makes me want to come with the whole family and go to Seattle with you guys! It's so fun to see recent pictures of you guys--it makes me feel like we live closer for a moment. I miss me beccabear :( Thanks for such a fun post! And don't let it go 6 months this time!!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful it is to read about your well deserved vacation and all the fun you had. I know how hard you and Neal work and blogging is sometimes the last thing you want to do in your spare time. But please keep it up.
Mama said: no one ever deserved a vacation more than your family. I only wish I could have been there with you. What a beautiful family you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMama said: oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I just figured out how to post a comment!!!! Let me try to post this one!!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful...Your vacation makes me sick only because I'm a loser of a friend and i never called you and then when you were in Seattle you were only 30 minutes away from my home. So it sounds like you are here! I hope you are loving it! I will search for your contact info! Love, Natalie C.